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Toy Fox Terrier​ lying in bed

The website of the American Toy Fox Terrier Club states: “The TFT is a big dog in a little package. He considers himself ‘Superdog’, making it clear that he has a huge ego, and will dominate almost every situation.”

The Fox Terrier is a very intelligent ad cunning, hardy, lively and cheerful dog which is watchful, alert, brave, resolute and self-confident. Fox Terriers learn very quickly. They can be rather stubborn, but just be consistent in your training.

Fox Terriers normally get on well with children. Some Fox terriers can be rather dominant towards their own kind. Teach the dog when young how to get on with cats and your other household animals so that it will not chase them later. Fox Terriers are ever alert and will go to the attack if there is danger, but they are not unfriendly towards strangers.